What’s in our dirty carpets?

It can be a little unsettling to walk into an office only to find a worn-out, dirty carpet with stains. It is not only unattractive but could be harmful to the health of those who work there.

Let’s see what lurks in your carpets at work.

Dirt, debris, and other

As people enter and leave the building, they track dirt, gravel, and other debris. Over time, this debris will become embedded in the fine carpet fibers. This not only causes discolored patches to appear in areas with heavy foot traffic, but it also wears out the carpet faster. Dirt is abrasive and can wear down carpet fibers quickly.


Many different bacteria can be found in dirty carpets. Most are harmless, but some could cause more serious problems. Norovirus, which causes stomach bugs, can survive in dirty carpets for up to a month.


Carpets are often covered in flower and plant pollen, particularly during the summer and fall months. People track pollen as they enter and leave the workplace. This is especially true between 5 am and 10:00 am when people arrive at work. Pollen will also enter through windows and entrances and settle in carpets.

Mold and spores

Yes, mold can grow on your carpet. All that mold requires is a place to sit, some oxygen, humidity, and food. All of these are found in dirty carpets. You may have a mold issue if you smell mildew on your carpet. If you’ve noticed a mildew odor but can’t pinpoint the source, it may be time to clean your carpet!

Dust mites

Dust mites live in your home or workplace, even if you can’t see without a magnifying glass. The dust mites feed on the millions of skill cells that die every day. Although the mites themselves are harmless, their waste can be an allergen for humans.

Spills of food and drinks

People often drop food and drinks around the staff kitchens or when eating at their desks. You’re likely to find the odd coffee stain on the carpet or old food left behind by people who eat their lunch at their desks.

These things can cause health problems in people at your workplace. These can range from being annoying to dangerous.

Skin Problems

Allergens in carpets can irritate the skin. Some people may develop itchiness, red patches, or swelling.


These allergens are also responsible for other allergy symptoms. These allergens can cause hay fever, sinus problems, watery eyelids, a sneezing fit, and general lethargy.

Respiratory illness

Asthma is one of the most serious health problems caused by unclean carpets. All the bacteria and irritants from the carpet are airborne and can be inhaled into the lungs. This can trigger asthma attacks, flu-like symptoms, and cause or worsen coughing.

Immune system weakening

Mycotoxins are small toxins that are produced by fungi. Mycotoxins can weaken your immune system if you have a carpet fungus.

Who knew that a dirty carpet could be so harmful? You can keep your carpet clean and reduce the risk of health complications by doing these things:

Replace worn-out carpet

You can tell when your carpet is in need of replacement. The carpet will look discolored, threadbare, smelly, and generally sad. The rug can last for many years so it could have been collecting dirt and dust over decades. If you decide to replace your carpet, choose a natural fiber like hemp or cotton. Synthetic carpets may be more luxurious, but they can also hold more allergens.

Use of a HEPA vacuum cleaner

HEPA filters will keep dust, dirt, and mites off your carpet. These filters are designed to capture the smallest particles, which other vacuums may miss. This means that less allergens will end up in your carpets or the air.

Hire a professional

Unhealthy carpets and dirty carpets can affect the health of your employees. Crewcare provides carpet cleaning services that will improve the environment in your office. Our carpet cleaning can be an ad-hoc service or scheduled as part of a contract to maintain your carpets long-term.

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