Guide Pest Control Methods

Pest infestations can be a very disturbing and skin-crawling experience. These pests are not only disgusting and creepy, they can also cause damage to your furniture and clothing.

There are many pest control options available to us.

Natural Pest Control Measures
There are many different pest control methods. They can be grouped loosely into six categories, including: Hygienic (hygiene), Biological (chemical), Physical (physical), Fumigation and Fogging, or Heat Treatment. Each method is effective to a different degree depending on how large the infestation is and the type of pest.

Hygienic pest control methods
It is vital to keep your home clean in order to reduce the risk of infestation. Pests are attracted to places that have a lot of food and a sterile environment. Use the following tips to make your home uninviting for rodents and creepy crawlies.

After eating, clean all surfaces.
Put all food scraps, crumbs, peels, etc. Bin, preferably in a paper or sandwich bag.
When you are finished eating or cooking, wash all dishes, cutlery and utensils. Also, clean cups, glasses and pots.
Clean and remove all food remnants from worktops and tables.
Stick to a regular schedule of cleaning. Do not forget areas that are hard to reach, like behind large appliances in the kitchen.
Food should be stored in containers that have a tight-sealed lid.
Keep all the bathrooms in your house clean.
Use fly screens to protect your windows.
Seal any holes or cracks you find in the walls.
The effects of other forms of pest control are short-lived if basic hygiene is not adhered to. Pests will return in larger numbers and will quickly reappear if you ignore the basics. For more information on creating a regular cleaning schedule, read our article entitled “How to make and stick to a cleaning plan”.

Even though keeping your house clean can deter some pests, others are stubborn and will ignore your cleanliness. The other methods of pest control come into play here.

Pest control using biological methods
As they don’t rely on pesticides or any other chemicals, biological control methods are also natural solutions. Biological pest controls take advantage of nature’s hierarchy. It can be as easy as introducing a natural predator to your environment.

Natural predators
Gardeners who want to control pest populations without using chemicals most often use this tactic. This method is used to remove or control aphids. The introduction of large numbers to an area by a non-native species can also have the opposite impact.

This is best illustrated by the giant cane-toad, which lives in surfers paradise. The species of toad introduced into the country was to help reduce the number of cane beetles that were damaging crops. Toads didn’t reduce beetle populations as expected. They bred uncontrollably, and are now a major ecological problem in their own rights.

Beneficial microorganisms are another popular method of natural pest control used by gardeners. Microorganisms are a proactive method of pest control, unlike natural predators. A helpful microorganism that is in a symbiotic relation with a plant will actively protect it by deterring insects and destroying harmful bacteria or fungi.

Pest control by physical methods
Physical pest control relies on trapping, killing and removing both rodents and insect pests. The majority of these methods will work for your home, garden and homestead.

Elimination of breeding sites
Pests will hide in places that provide food and safe breeding grounds. If you eliminate one or both of these factors, your chances of eliminating pests will be greatly increased. Keep your home warm, dry and clean to eliminate breeding grounds. By keeping your home clean and tidy, you can drastically reduce the number of pests that live in your home.

Poison bait
There are many different poisons available for specific pests. Pest control poison is usually available in two forms. First, it comes in granules. The second is as a gel or a jelly. No matter the poison type, it is used in areas where pests are active. The bait will be either eaten or taken back to the nest.

Make sure your pets or children cannot enter any areas where poisons are used. Ingestion of some commercial poisons may cause serious health problems.

Field burning
Farmers around the world use field burning as a pest control method. The fire is used to destroy pest populations by burning away the debris and the top layer soil. In recent decades, this method of pest management has been outlawed because it kills both beneficial insects and pests. It can also have an adverse impact on soil. The effectiveness of modern pesticides has also improved.

Trap Cropping
Trap cropping involves planting a decoy plant that pests will be more likely to attack. This method’s main objective is to trap pests on the decoy crop to make extermination more efficient. This method has been found to be ineffective by large-scale farmers, as pests often return to the main crop. Trap cropping is more effective in small homesteads and as a way to keep pests out of a vegetable garden. Here are a few plants that attract different pests.

Physical traps are probably the most well-known pest control method. The traps are of varying complexity (from simple fly papers to more complicated baited-traps), and are used primarily to control rodents and other small animals and insects. Trap placement should follow the same principles as with other methods. It is best to place traps in areas where pest activity can be seen. Traps have a major disadvantage: you need to regularly check them to ensure that any creatures caught are removed, and to replace or reset used traps.

Natural methods have many benefits
Natural products are free of potentially harmful chemicals
Your plants will be protected for a long time once natural insect predators are established;
Insects are not able to develop resistance against predators.
Natural products are often eco-friendly.
Natural methods have their disadvantages
The entire population of pests can be hard to eliminate;
Pest populations can move to a new area or spread out over a wider area.
Natural predators and microorganisms are reactive measures, not preventive ones. This gives the infestation more time to spread.
Pesticides are a chemical pest control method.
Chemical pesticides are the most widely used and effective type of pest control in surfers paradise. There are many types of pesticides available for rodent and insect control. It is important to follow all instructions, regardless of the type of pesticide being used. Most of these are toxic.

Insecticides are chemicals that kill insects such as ants and cockroaches. The majority of commercially available insects are spray or granule based. While both kill insects, each has a specific area of expertise.

Granulated insecticides work well against pests such as ants, spiders and other insects that nest in difficult-to-reach places or actively search for food. The granules can be mistaken for food, and they are either carried back to the nest or eaten directly. Most poisons are fast-acting and most insects will die within a few hours of ingesting them.
Sprays are most effective against biting and flying pests such as fleas. The majority of insects die in minutes after coming into contact with insecticide sprays, but stubborn bugs might make you spray multiple times.
They are stronger than other pesticides because rodents show caution when they encounter a suspicious food source. Rodenticides have a higher lethality than other pesticides because rodents tend to be more cautious when confronted with a suspect food source. It is also effective against cats, dogs and other scavengers. Many companies prefer baited boxes to poison pellets because rat poison can be so toxic.

Another option for controlling adult flying insects like mosquitoes, flies or moths is fogging. A special ULV fogging device is used to apply this method. The ULV (ultra-low volume) is called so because it only spreads a small amount of insecticide. Fogging pest control is considered environmentally friendly. It’s also odourless, and it doesn’t leave residues which are hard to clean.

Heat treatment
Pest control is gaining in popularity as a chemical-free alternative. This method is effective against fleas and bed bugs as well as other insects. The infested areas will be heated gradually to temperatures between 55-60degC during a heat treatment. The increasing temperature will kill creepy crawlies in all stages of development, including eggs, larvae and adults. If you have pets or children, this is an excellent option.

Chemical methods have many advantages
Pesticides can be purchased for a relatively low price.
Chemical methods are more reliable than other methods.
Chemical pesticides are easy to use.
The action is fast.
Chemical methods have their disadvantages
Over time, insects can develop a resistance to pesticides.
Pesticides may leave residues on plants that can be harmful to health.
Ingestion of these substances can be harmful to your health.
Pesticides can contaminate groundwater.
No matter which method you use to eliminate pests, follow these guidelines to ensure that pesticides are used safely.

Read and follow all instructions on the package;
Select the best pesticide for your job.
Only use pesticides on the pest-infested areas;
Use only the amount of pesticide required;
Spray when there is no wind.
Be sure to spray the pesticide away from people and animals.
After the treatment, open all windows and doors to let air into your home. This will help you get rid of any chemical smells that may have lingered.
For the time specified in the instructions, do not allow other people or pets to enter the treated area.
Here is your guide to different pest control techniques. You can now confidently take on common pests with the knowledge you’ve gained.

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